ELMET inspires with smart silicone solutions. This inspiration is backed by 20 years of experience and a great deal of technical know-how in the field of dosing technology. ELMET has always set standards, such as with the TOP 3000 S, the TOP 5000 P or the TOP 7000 Pro.
Precision regarding all elements in the production cell is of the utmost importance in order to achieve the maximum quality of parts and process stability in liquid silicone injection molding. Precise mixing ratios between the two silicone components and the admixed additive flows are of the essence. The TOP 5000 P dosing system achieves the best values here.
Successful production of silicone parts requires economic use of material, space, working time and energy. ELMET therefore has always developed its dosing systems with an eye to fully using all possibilities in terms of effi ciency and economic aspects. This generation adds another clear improvement.
Due to the high costs and lack of plannability, production downtimes as a result of operating mistakes are a great risk in every production plant. The TOP 5000 P therefore had many ideas implemented to make it easy for the operating staff to properly operate the system and exclude potential error sources.
The diffi culty in the LIM-process (Liquid Injection Molding) is in the diffi cult-to-control process properties of liquid silicone. Therefore, the preservation and economic handling of this compressible liquid subject to viscosity fluctuations are the central demand of every professional LSR-processor.
The material fl ows of the liquid silicone components are volumetrically recorded and continually adjusted in a closed control loop. This permits safe mixing of materials subject to very high viscosity differences between the A- and B-components within the specified tolerances.
After the proper mixing process, a second control loop ensures that quantity differences caused by filling differences in the drums or by manual purging are compensated in the best manner when emptying the container.
Exact and accurately repeatable fi lling of the injection unit is essential for precise and even production of silicone injection molded parts. In order to keep absolute control of the fi lling procedure at highly critical processes, the direction of the piston pump drives is always switched before the dead center is reached.